Finding the Right Agency

Selecting the right agency is an important decision.  What is important to one family may not be important to another, but following these basic tips may help you find the service agency that is right for you!

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What does the agency do to monitor the home, ensuring it is safe and nurturing?

What kind of experience does the agency staff have?  How much turnover is there among employees and contractors?

How compliant is the agency?  Every agency is surveyed once every three years by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.  Results are published and can be reviewed by going to

Click on  ‘facility search by name’ and then type the name of the agency you wish to see.  Some agencies may not yet have a published survey, but you can still see the survey results by requesting to see a copy from the agency.

How satisfied are the individuals receiving services and their families?  Agencies are required to conduct satisfaction surveys.  Ask to see the results of the latest agency survey.

Are there supports available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?  Can you reach someone and are they responsive?


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